*Williamstown Harbour.
WILLIAMSTOWN HARBOUR in Whitegate is to be revitalised after conditional planning permission was granted for the development of a major tourism and commercial facility.
Kevin and Sue Durkin of SD Design Services Leeds have been granted permission for “the regeneration and redevelopment of existing buildings and land, for tourism and recreational purposes” at the East Clare harbour.
Four residential lodges for short-term letting and reuse are to be constructed plus an existing workshop will be transformed into a café and retail unit at ground floor level with the provision for two apartments on the first floor. Further additions include a proposed decking area, outdoor seating for the café with a lower level floating jetty, pumping station, wastewater treatment facility and sand polishing filter and infiltration area.
An existing toilet block, office and ancillary buildings will be demolished.
Situated on Lough Derg, the harbour is located approximately 3.5km from Whitegate and overlooks counties Tipperary and Galway. Clare County Council had initially sought further information in relation to the development but has now granted conditional planning permission for it to ahead. Cllr Pat Burke (FG) has endorsed the development.
The development received one objection from Ross MacNamara who operates his own harbour close to the site. He expressed concerns over potential loss of privacy. He stated, “Currently, our harbour is not overlooked from the subject property and never has been. The proposed development includes for a very large balcony of 16.0 square metres at first floor leave associated with proposed northern apartment. Not only does this directly overlook our harbour to the north, it directly intrudes on the safest and most protects moorings. This balcony will impact on our ability to enjoy our existing harbour in the same way we always have over the last forty years”.
Fifteen conditions have been outlined by the planning authority that must be adhered to. They have asked that any new construction such as the proposed wastewater treatment system and percolation be built in accordance with the details that they have received and that no unauthorised works be completed. They have also asked that any construction works be carried out between 8am to 6pm from Monday to Friday include and between 8am to 1pm on Saturday with no work on Sundays and public holidays. This has been ordered to protect the privacy and amenities of the local properties.
During construction at the site, all forms of cables are to be laid underground and a record of daily checks is to be undertaken on any works currently taking place. A number of environmental conditions have also been outlined with the Council stating that all external lighting must be carried out in accordance with the site’s bat survey and that a landscaping plan showing all species at the site be provided.
The applicant has been ordered to pay €33,294 to Clare County Council due to public infrastructure and facilities benefitting from the development. The contribution is to be paid prior to the commencement of works at the site. Full details of all boundary treatments and extreme hard surfaces at the site must also be provided to the local authority.