OPW contacted in request for remedial works at Annagh River
Contact has been made with the Office of Public Works over a request for remedial works along the Annagh River.
Contact has been made with the Office of Public Works over a request for remedial works along the Annagh River.
Approval of the feasibility report for improvement measures at Shaughnessy’s Cross has yet to be decided on by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII).
Road repairs will be carried out on the access road to the housing estate at Crovraghan in Kildysart.
Minor repairs will be undertaken on a Kilnaboy road despite its omission from this year’s schedule of municipal district works (SMDW).
Safety signage is to be erected along an Ennistymon riverwalk.
*Knockerra Church. Photograph: Graham Horn No plans to upgrade public lighting in Knockerra are currently on the table of Clare County Council officials.
Close attention needs to be paid to lighting surrounding piers in North and West Clare.
Parts of North and West Clare will pilot an autism strategy for the county.
*Cllr Ian Lynch. Photograph: John Mangan Clare County Council crews will examine the potential of carrying out road surfacing at Lower Frances St in Kilrush once Irish Water complete works a wastewater treatment plant.
A West Clare councillor has revealed he received a phonecall from popular sunshine destination Tenerife over a missing pole in Kilkee.