Remedial works to be initiated for failed watermain in Doolin
A REMEDIAL works programme is to commence in Doolin to tackle failed watermains.
A REMEDIAL works programme is to commence in Doolin to tackle failed watermains.
*Photograph: Arthur Ellis. DOUGHMORE BEACH has become “a victim of its own success” with designs now completed for an overflow section.
A KILSHANNY ROAD has been “destroyed” by trucks clearing forestry in North Clare, a county councillor has claimed.
*Lus na Sli. CLARE COUNTY COUNCIL have confirmed they are not the registered owners of green areas in the Lus na Si housing estate in Miltown Malbay.
*Posters belonging to Cllr Bill Slattery (FG). COUNTY COUNCILLORS in Clare could up climbing ladders themselves to fix public lighting.
*EV charging points. CLARE needs to be more plugged in when it comes to installing electric vehicle charging points.
*Photograph: Arthur Ellis A NORTH CLARE councillor has pledged to keep the pressure on local authority staff to bring about a traffic management plan for the square in Miltown Malbay.
*Old Monastery Lane in Ennistymon. AN EXTERNAL CONTRACTOR has been appointed and demolition works are due to commence in the coming weeks as part of the delivery of a new car park in Ennistymon.
*Cllr Gabriel Keating (FG). Photograph: Natasha Barton. WEST CLARE is “falling behind” on plans to deliver a greenway along the tracks of the iconic railway line.
SIGNS warning of black spots by Moyasta have gone missing, a West Clare councillor has claimed.