Works move forward on Bridges of Ross route damaged by cow dung
*Photograph: Burren Eye Photography WORKS to repair the road to the Bridges of Ross have begun, the route had been damaged by the chemicals from cow dung.
*Photograph: Burren Eye Photography WORKS to repair the road to the Bridges of Ross have begun, the route had been damaged by the chemicals from cow dung.
GOVERNMENT housing policy is turning rural Clare into somewhere people “come to take a photograph and go away and no one lives there”, a meeting has heard.
*The matter was debated at a recent sitting of the West Clare MD. PIERS OF COUNTY CLARE cannot be “risk-proofed”, a former fisherman has warned.
*Ballard Rd, Miltown Malbay. A NEW SOCIAL HOUSING SCHEME in Miltown Malbay has highlighted the need for improvement works at an adjacent estate.
*Cllr Shane Talty. Photograph: Eamon Ward A LAHINCH REPRESENTATIVE has expressed frustration with the substance of replies issued by Irish Water.
A NORTH CLARE cross is forcing drivers to take their life into their own hands, an elected representative has warned while an appeal to ban large buses from certain roads has failed.
CREATION OF A LANDMARK EXPERIENCE can also slow down drivers in North Clare.
A FESTIVE MOOD has been credited with advancing potential road repairs in Kilkee.
INSTALLING additional public lighting adjacent to a West Clare school may result in traffic safety issues, officials in Clare County Council have warned.
APPEALS FOR a pedestrian crossing and lights plus the presence of a lollipop persons have been made for Mullagh National School.