Donna McGettigan elected Shannon MD Chair
*Cllr Donna McGettigan (SF). Photograph: John Mangan SINN FÉIN’s sole member of Clare County Council has been elected as the Cathaoirleach of the Shannon Municipal District for the first time.
*Cllr Donna McGettigan (SF). Photograph: John Mangan SINN FÉIN’s sole member of Clare County Council has been elected as the Cathaoirleach of the Shannon Municipal District for the first time.
*Pictured are students from St John’s National School, Shannon, Katie Donnelly, Illia Novomlyntsev, and Dhanyashri Gomathiraja with Environmentalist and Broadcaster, Éanna Ní Lámhna. Photograph: Arthur Ellis. THIRTY BAT, bird and bee boxes are being erected in the surrounding lands of the Shannon Campus to lend a hand to nature.
*Gort Rd, Shannon. Photograph: Joe Buckley BIG SHOWERS of rainfall is consistently causing flooding along the Gort Rd in Shannon, elected representatives have lamented.
History was made at Ballycasey in Shannon on Saturday last when the Clare cricket club played its first home game.
*Photograph: John Mangan FURTHER APPLICATIONS for affordable housing schemes are to be made in areas where a need is evident, the Chief Executive of Clare County Council has said.
SHANNON AIRPORT has secured a new twice weekly service to Paris.
*Shannon Airport. SHANNON AIRPORT is the strongest location for the establishment of an Irish Air Policing Fighter Squadron, retired members of the Irish Defence Forces have argued.
SHANNON AIRPORT and United Airlines are celebrating twenty five years since the start of the airline’s nonstop service between Shannon and New York/Newark.
*Clare’s Kennedy Cup squad and management. Photograph: Joe Buckley CLARE’S KENNEDY CUP SIDE REACHED the Shield quarter-final of the famed schoolboys soccer competition.
*Alex Dunne. SHANNON AUTHOR, Alex Dunne was one of six winners at this year’s KPMG Children’s Books Ireland Awards announced as part of the International Literature Festival Dublin.