Council bill on COVID-19 response hits half a million euro
Clare County Council has racked up a bill in the region of €500,000 to date as part of its response to dealing with COVID-19.
Clare County Council has racked up a bill in the region of €500,000 to date as part of its response to dealing with COVID-19.
Chief Executive of Clare County Council, Pat Dowling has warned that “difficult decisions” will have to made to help the county recover from COVID-19.
Community groups across the county are being encouraged to apply for funding under the 2020 Town and Village Renewal Scheme.
A clampdown on Air BnB properties in rent pressure zones across the county is needed, a North Clare representative has maintained.
Pressurised farmers have influenced Clare councillors to seek permission for them to be able to spread slurry all year round.
Clare councillors have requested more ambitious housing targets from the Department of Housing.