‘Anti-social behaviour can no longer be tolerated in Council houses’
A sizeable increase in the amount of complaints relating to tenants of Council owned property has been observed thus far in 2020.
A sizeable increase in the amount of complaints relating to tenants of Council owned property has been observed thus far in 2020.
Renewed energy and investment needs to be pumped into Lisdoonvarna Spa Wells to prevent authentic selling points of the landmark being “lost forever,” according to North Clare representatives.
A contract for the design of the Inis Cealtra (Holy Island) Visitor experience has been signed by Clare County Council and its consultants with the project viewed as a future model for sustainable tourism.
Community groups are finding it “virtually impossible” to secure insurance for new playgrounds.
No further delays to the approval of flood defence works at Springfield in Clonlara are expected, leading engineers in Clare County Council have outlined.
West Clare landmark, the Turret Lodge has been returned to the control of the Kilrush and District Historical Society following its renovation.
With COVID-19 cases continuing to rise nationally, Clare County Council and An Garda Síochána have appealed to people across the county to remain extra vigilant.
Elevated rates of local property tax will remain in Co Clare next year while calls for the Government to refund the Council’s spend on COVID-19 measures have also been made.
The significant contribution to Irish culture by the founder of the GAA will be celebrated with the inaugural Michael Cusack Day in Carron, located in the heart of the Burren at midday on Sunday, 20 September.
Clare is targeting becoming the remote working capital of Ireland.