West & North Clare have lowest COVID-19 cases in Clare
Spread of COVID-19 in Clare remains among the lowest in Ireland.
Spread of COVID-19 in Clare remains among the lowest in Ireland.
Clare’s spread of COVID-19 remains at low levels while an increase in its transmission has been recorded in the Killaloe local electoral area.
*Photograph: John Mangan Clare’s 14 day incidence rate of COVID-19 remains among the lowest in the country.
Transmission of COVID-19 in Clare remains among the lowest levels in the Republic of Ireland according to latest data.
North Clare has among the lowest spread of COVID-19 in the Republic of Ireland while levels across the county also remain low.
*Photograph: John Mangan Clare’s 14 day incidence rate of COVID-19 still remains among the lowest in the country while hospital numbers have declined further.
Two new cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed in Clare as the county continues to have among the lowest incidence rates in Ireland.
*Photograph: John Mangan A further decline in the transmission of COVID-19 in Clare has been recorded.
A reopening plan for the country throughout the months of May and June has been agreed by the Cabinet.
*Photograph: John Mangan Less than five new cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed in Co Clare while a dip in the amount of extra diagnoses nationally has been observed.