Mods & Minis

‘Streets of Ennis will look very good but will traders survive till the end game’

*Members of the public walk on O’Connell St. Photograph: John Mangan TRADERS IN Ennis have said the impact of the public realm works on business have been “an absolute disaster” but they remain hopeful the county town will look “fantastic” but have warned that a big challenge exists in enticing shoppers back to the town …

‘Streets of Ennis will look very good but will traders survive till the end game’ Read More »

Mods & Minis eager to welcome back customers

Mods & Minis has been trading in the town of Ennis since 2011. The colourful children’s store is a one stop shop for kids’ clothes up to the age of 12, stocking a range of popular, fashionable and functional clothing at a very reasonable price.