Lenabeg residents fearful vermin are nesting along riverbank
RESIDENTS of Lenabeg in Claureen have expressed their fears that vermin are nesting along the “badly overgrown” riverbank.
RESIDENTS of Lenabeg in Claureen have expressed their fears that vermin are nesting along the “badly overgrown” riverbank.
*Rural Development Director of Service, Leonard Cleary. Photograph: Arthur Ellis PLANNING OFFICIALS led the call for members of the media to be excluded from a recent meeting of Clare County Council’s Rural Development Strategic Policy Committee (SPC).
ACTION to promote take-up of apprenticeships can begin at a local level by an expansion of the roles offered by Clare County Council, a West Clare representative has maintained.
USE OF a drone to help find a missing person in Ennis in October has strengthened calls for increased investment in technology for emergency services in the county.
*Cracks running along the walls of a home impacted by pyrite in Clare. Photograph: Joe Buckley ENNIS based, Cllr Mary Howard (FG) has become the first Clare politician to call on the Minister for Housing to carry out an investigation to ascertain how defective concrete blocks containing pyrite and mica were used to construct homes …
Investigation sought to determine how defective blocks were sold in Clare Read More »
CLARE’s first citizen is to make donations to two local organisations instead of sending Christmas cards this year.
ADDITIONAL legal advice has been sought by Clare councillors ahead of a crucial vote in March on whether or not to adapt the County Development Plan.
APPROACHES have been made at a national level as Fine Gael begin the process of identifying suitable General Election candidates.
*Clare subs at Fr McNamara Park. Photograph: Burren Eye Photography TRIP hazards on the walking trails surrounding the grounds of Clare Camogie need to be tackled, an Ennis county councillor has stated.
RESIDENTS in Roslevan and on the Limerick Rd in Ennis have been ‘unfairly treated’ through the absence of playground facilities despite the payment of “development levies” while one clear solution to the issue has been flagged.