Gardaí seek public assistance for investigation into Kilrush fatality
Gardaí are appealing for the public’s assistance as they carry out an investigation into a crash which claimed the life of a woman in Kilrush on Friday.
Gardaí are appealing for the public’s assistance as they carry out an investigation into a crash which claimed the life of a woman in Kilrush on Friday.
A Clare Garda is bidding to raise €75,000 so that he can launch an app that will ‘empower young people to make better decisions online’.
Doctored accounts were presented to club delegates at the AGM of the Clare Schoolboys/Schoolgirls Soccer League (CSSL) it has emerged.
*Traffic congestion in Kilrush. Photograph: Páraic McMahon A requested traffic survey to determine the use of Clare’s road network is not needed, senior officials in the local authority have said.
An Garda Síochána, Clare County Council and the Irish Farmers Association (IFA) are working in collaboration on the rollout of property marking in the county.
Extra footfall was visible in stores across Clare for Christmas 2019 but didn’t necessarily lead to increased sales with some stores recording marginal gains and others a slight dip on last year.
A medical presence should be essential in Cusack Park for major matches within the GAA calendar, Clare clubs have said.
West Clare is currently without a designated road technician leading to concern amongst elected representatives that several projects could subsequently “be left on the long finger”.
Criticism has been voiced with the manner in which West Clare’s social housing stock has been managed.
*Kilrush Town Hall. Efforts to increase the publicity of a rates reduction scheme in West Clare have been condemned.