‘A miss’ not to have bus stop located outside Ennis outpatient department
*Photograph: Brian Arthur ABSENCE OF a bus stop outside the new HSE Outpatients Department in Ennis has been labelled “a miss”.
*Photograph: Brian Arthur ABSENCE OF a bus stop outside the new HSE Outpatients Department in Ennis has been labelled “a miss”.
ADDITIONAL STAFFING RESOURCES will be in place across coastal parts of Co Clare for the summer season including an extra traffic warden for Doolin.
PROJECTS APPROVED for Active Travel in West Clare are not dependent on route selection for the Greenway, senior engineers in Clare County Council has confirmed.
FRUSTRATION HAS been voiced by elected representatives with the pace at which the update of the parking by-laws is progressing in the county.
A TOTAL RETHINK is needed regarding the operation of the National Ambulance Service, a Kilrush representative has stated.
CO CLARE has one of the highest residents of displaced Ukrainians in the country.
FORMATION of Town Teams across Clare can allow the county to “steal a march” following the recent launch of the ‘Town Centre First’ policy by the Department of Housing.
*Vandalised fairy doors in Ballybeg. ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES in Clare have called on the Minister for Justice to propose legislation criminalising the use of the ‘Z’ symbol.
STAFFING RESOURCES need to be provided to assist community groups in welcoming Ukrainian refugees to the county, a West Clare representative has emphasised.
*Damien Carmody A JUDGE has described the circumstances in which a west Clare farmer lost his life in a farm accident as ‘horrific’.