Alpacas apprenticeships & more at Kilkee careers fair
ST JOSEPH’S Community College Kilkee turned the typical career fair on its head with alpacas, apprenticeships, and a vast range of local and national opportunities.
ST JOSEPH’S Community College Kilkee turned the typical career fair on its head with alpacas, apprenticeships, and a vast range of local and national opportunities.
*Pat Dowling. Photograph: Eamon Ward DEPARTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE of Clare County Council, Pat Dowling said the risk in acquiring the Shannon Heritage tourism sites is paying off for the county and criticised “legal loopholes” for slowing down works on projects such as Blake’s Corner.
*Dr Tom Nolan (FG). Photograph: Joe Buckley. DR TOM NOLAN (FG) said he was “added in and left without life support” by Fine Gael party headquarters throughout his election campaign.
*Sharmila Bano, Conor Anderson, Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, Gráinne Ryan, Climate Action Programme Manager. KILKEE’s Sharmila Bano has received a Climate Ambassador Award from An Taisce.
*Kevin Hassett (IND) with canvassers in Kilrush. RIGHTLY or wrongly Kevin Hassett (IND) won’t back down from a fight even when the odds are against him.
*Cllr Gabriel Keating (FG) and Dr Tom Nolan (FG). ‘POLE POLE’ pronounced poley poley is Swahili for slowly, it’s a phrase etched in the minds of those who climb Kilimanjaro, Dr Tom Nolan (FG) is one of them and he’s reminded of the expression on the canvass.
*Kevin Hassett (IND). Photograph: John Mangan ONE OF six Independent candidates on the ballot paper, Kevin Hassett (IND) has said the Government have “a Pandora’s box which they are unable to control” regarding immigration.
*Dr Tom Nolan (FG). Photograph: John Mangan SEEKING A SEAT in Dáil Éireann is one last roll of the dice for Dr Tom Nolan (FG) in battling to overturn the decision to downgrade Ennis Hospital.
*Cllr Joe Cooney, Pat Breen, Cllr Mary Howard, Dr Tom Nolan and Madeline Taylor-Quinn. Photograph: John Mangan COMPETITION among Fine Gael candidates in Clare has been welcomed by the Taoiseach with frustration bubbling beneath the surface over a map that is keeping certain parts of the county out of bounds.
*Cillian Murphy, Micheál Martin & Cllr Rita McInerney. EX COUNCILLOR, Cillian Murphy (FF) has nailed his colours to the mast and rowed in fully behind the campaign of Cllr Rita McInerney (FF).