HSE to lodge plans for community nursing unit in Ennis
PLANS FOR a 100 bed community nursing unit in Ennis are to be lodged by the HSE next month.
PLANS FOR a 100 bed community nursing unit in Ennis are to be lodged by the HSE next month.
*The late Laura Brennan appearing on The Late Late Show. LAURA BRENNAN’s tireless advocacy work has been acknowledged this evening with the HPV vaccine set to be made freely available to all women under 25.
*Photograph: Brian Arthur ABSENCE OF a bus stop outside the new HSE Outpatients Department in Ennis has been labelled “a miss”.
A TOTAL RETHINK is needed regarding the operation of the National Ambulance Service, a Kilrush representative has stated.
*Jack and Kieran O’Loughlin in Ennis. Photograph: Natasha Barton DIFFICULTIES IN RECRUITMENT rather than funding is the main factor preventing the HSE from reducing the waiting list for speech and language therapy, a Government Minister has said.
*Photograph: Sean Curtin / True Media MAKING ENNIS an elective-only hospital has been heralded as a potential solution to ease massive overcrowding at University Hospital Limerick.
WHITEGATE representative, Cllr Pat Burke (FG) has resigned from his role on the HSE Regional Health Forum West.
*Kieran O’Loughlin with his five year old son Jack. Photograph: Natasha Barton Clare man Kieran O’Loughlin has said he’s “frustrated” by the 18 months his son will have to wait before he can get speech and language therapy.
APPROVAL for a €9.95m theatre upgrade at Ennis Hospital has been confirmed by the HSE.
A NEW chronic disease management hub delivering services to patients with cardiovascular disease, respiratory illnesses and Type II Diabetes is to be rolled out in Clare, the HSE have confirmed.