Rate of COVID-19 in Clare still among lowest in Ireland
*Photograph: Sean Curtin / True Media Clare has recorded less than five new cases of COVID-19 for the fifth day in succession.
*Photograph: Sean Curtin / True Media Clare has recorded less than five new cases of COVID-19 for the fifth day in succession.
*Photograph: John Mangan For the fourth day in succession, Clare has recorded less than five new cases of COVID-19.
*Photograph: John Mangan A further reduction in the amount of persons hospitalised in Ireland due to COVID-19 has been observed.
Clare’s spread of COVID-19 remains among the lowest in Ireland.
*Photograph: John Mangan A reduction in the spread of COVID-19 across all age groups has been recorded with five new cases reported in Co Clare.
For the second day in succession, six new cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Co Clare while ICU numbers have dropped below 50.
Personnel due to receive the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine at the Radisson Blu have had their appointment deferred.
*Photograph: John Mangan Six new cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed in Clare among 394 nationally.
All electoral areas in Clare have a lower 14 day incidence rate than the national equivalent.
*Photograph: John Mangan No new COVID-19 cases have been diagnosed in Co Clare, NPHET have stated.