Housing shortage in Clare to be aggravated
*Social housing units in Feakle. Photograph: John Mangan A housing shortage will be aggravated by the continued halt in construction, a Newmarket-on-Fergus representative has warned.
*Social housing units in Feakle. Photograph: John Mangan A housing shortage will be aggravated by the continued halt in construction, a Newmarket-on-Fergus representative has warned.
A mixed housing tenure is essential, Clare councillors have said in a call for an urgent review of the planning policy relating to the development of residential property.
An expenditure of €131m is included in Clare County Council’s revenue budget which puts a priority on local SMEs, housing, town enhancement plans and rural regeneration while future capital projects such as the West Clare Greenway, Blake’s Corner and the Killaloe Bypass are identified for progression.
30 homes are to be constructed in a €7.7m social housing development in Ennistymon.
Additional beds to tackle homelessness plus an increased of €773m allocated to the Department of Housing are among the eye-catching plans of Budget 2021.
Clare Traveller families have struggled to access additional supports during COVID-19 while an increase in deaths by suicides has been reported across the country.
A clampdown on Air BnB properties in rent pressure zones across the county is needed, a North Clare representative has maintained.
Of all the Clare candidates, Timmy Dooley (FF) tops the poll when it comes to facial recognition on the canvass.
It is expected that by the end of 2019, Clare County Council will have spent €3m on private housing grants.
National housing and homeless charity, Peter McVerry trust is to deliver social housing in Clare for the first time.