Michelin Star award for Homestead Cottage
*Photograph: John Mangan DOOLIN restaurant Homestead Cottage has been awarded its first Michelin Star – just seven months after opening its doors.
*Photograph: John Mangan DOOLIN restaurant Homestead Cottage has been awarded its first Michelin Star – just seven months after opening its doors.
*Homestead Cottage’s Fish Cakes. Here is how to make Homestead Cottage’s Thai spiced fish cakes with crunchy peanut salad. For the fishcakes: – 400g floury potatoes, boiled and mashed – 400g skinless salmon fillet, poached and flaked – 2 scallions finely chopped – 1 tablespoon finely chopped coriander – Grated zest and juice of 1 …
Here are three meals from the Doolin Cottage. This is a fantastic mid week meal for all the family. The key is to invest in the best pork sausages, lunasa farm sell fantastic sausages in their butchers on Saturdays, I would highly recommend them. Also it’s worth spending a little more on good quality pasta …
Pork has for a long time been out of fashion, however it is one of the most affordable and tastiest meats to cook.
HOMESTEAD Cottage in Doolin might just be the most exciting culinary experience in County Clare.