Traffic danger outside Bodyke school ‘frightening’
‘Frightening’ scenes are being witnessed in Bodyke with ‘increasing danger’ in the vicinity of Bodyke national school on a frequent basis.
‘Frightening’ scenes are being witnessed in Bodyke with ‘increasing danger’ in the vicinity of Bodyke national school on a frequent basis.
Drivers of trucks, buses and tractors are experiencing more damaged mirrors than other motorists, East Clare representatives have flagged due to a poor standard of hedge cutting.
Ennis is seen as a location where students across the country want to come to learn the Irish language.
Clare councillors have highlighted that numerous flashing orange lights on approach roads to schools are faulty and not working.
Assistance from An Garda Síochána is needed for Clare County Council to utilise CCTV to tackle illegal dumping.
Clare politicians are seeking an amendment to Level 5 restrictions to enable Marts to remain open.
Accessibility for all members of the population must form part of the thinking process on the delivery of public services, Clare elected representatives have stated with higher penalties for parking in disability spaces sought.
East Clare councillors have appealed to the local authority to install street lighting at two sections of road approaching Quin village.
A contract for the design of the Inis Cealtra (Holy Island) Visitor experience has been signed by Clare County Council and its consultants with the project viewed as a future model for sustainable tourism.
A Killaloe councillor has implored Clare County Council to make all of Ballycuggeran Amenity Park suitable for universal access.