Improved road facilities must be put in place in Clare prior to the development of the Limerick Northern Distributor Road (LNDR), Cllr Cathal Crowe has claimed.
Meelick native, Crowe proposed at Shannon Municipal District’s January meeting that “Clare County Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland prioritise in 2019 the provision of a widened carriageway, pedestrian footpath, cycleway and street lighting between the terminal point” of ‘Phase 1’ of the LNDR and Meelick village. Cllr Gerry Flynn seconded the motion.
In an official reply, senior engineer, Sean Lenihan stated, “The Coonagh Knockalisheen proposal forms Phase 1 of the LNDR project. It is currently being progressed by Limerick City and County Council and is hoped to go to tender in the coming weeks with construction expected to commence in late summer”. Phase 1 was permitted by An Bord Pleanála following a 2012 oral hearing.
Lenihan flagged, “the scheme permission for Phase 1 does not include the works as described in this motion. However, as we progress Phase 2 of this project, we can appraise the need and consider any necessary infrastructural provision that may be identified as being required”. The Council official confirmed he would raise the contents of the motion at the next meeting of the project steering group.
Speaking at the meeting, Cllr Crowe noted the dual carriageway from Coonagh to Knockalisheen would be 4km in length.
“Until phase two is built up we’re going to have one of the most rural roads connected to a dual carriageway”.
The Fianna Fáil councillor praised Mr Lenihan and called on John Leahy of the Council to set aside funding, “we need more money and more works here”.
In July of last year, Cllr Crowe highlighted that Parteen “will be split in two” as a result of the LNDR.