*Photograph: Tom Micks
WHAT PAUSE really means must be explained clearly by Ennis 2040 DAC according to Save Ennis Town.
Clarity has been sought by the community group regarding plans for Abbey Street and Parnell Street car parks, both of which were earmarked for development for Ennis 2040 until a pause was announced earlier this month.
Save Ennis Town have repeatedly clashed with Clare County Council on their plans to build on the riverside car parks in the county town. The most recent spat saw Acting Director of Economic Development Seán Lenihan questioning the legitimacy of a petition with 3,700 signatures presented last May which he called “an empty box”.
In a statement to The Clare Echo, Chairman of Save Ennis Town, Gearoid Mannion outlined, “While any ‘pause’ on the ill-advised plans to build on these vital spaces in the heart Ennis is welcome, there is growing unease in the town about what this actually means”.
He added, “The question I’m being asked on the street is ‘what does a ‘pause’ really mean’. In view of the lack of meaningful consultation around these plans to date, the fear is being expressed that Clare County Council / Ennis 2040 DAC may intend to reactivate their plans at a later date and proceed with building over these vital public spaces”.
Mannion said the Council and Ennis 2040 DAC must “clarify their position, and respect the democratically expressed wishes of the people of Ennis, by signaling their clear intention to remove the proposed developments at Abbey Street and Parnell Street car parks from the Ennis 2040 project, and finally put a stop to these controversial plans”.
Renewed efforts have also been made by Save Ennis Town to have a meeting with the interim Chief Executive of the Council, Carmel Kirby.
Senior officials in the Council previously advised Save Ennis Town that terms and conditions had to be met before they could agree to a meeting.