*Rose Hynes. Photograph: Don Moloney / Press 22
Rose Hynes’ one year extension as Chairman of Shannon Group may well be her final year in charge of the semi-state company.
Ms Hynes’ five year term as Chairman of Shannon Group expired in August but the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross opted to extend the Clare woman’s tenure by an additional year. “The Minister was cognisant of the critical juncture the Group is currently at with for example the finalisation and subsequent rollout of its second Five Year Strategic Plan,” a spokesperson for the Department told The Clare Echo of the decision.
Elected representatives including TDs Timmy Dooley (FF) and Joe Carey (FG) have called for a change in leadership at Shannon.
Speaking to The Clare Echo during a visit to Shannon Airport on Thursday last, Transport Minister Shane Ross stressed his desire for adding freshness to various Boards that fall under his remit when asked if he thought Rose Hynes’ term would continue after August 2020.
“I’m in favour of changing Boards after a certain amount of time, it’s important that it does happen after a shortish amount of time, I don’t think people stay on it for too long. It was important that she stayed on for the year because there was no Chief Executive at the time so it was important she did that, she happily accepted my invitation to do that and hold the fort for that period of time. I see changes as being necessary on all boards on a regular basis, Shannon is no exception to that”.