Consultants have been appointed by Clare County Council for the design of an eighteen unit social housing scheme in Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Located at Boheraron, just 300m away from The Square in Newmarket-on-Fergus, the development is funded by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. 2021 has been scheduled as the date for completion with construction due to commence mid 2020.
€3.8m has been allocated for the scheme which will consist of ten 2 bed apartments, two 3 bed apartments, four 1 bed apartments and two 2 bed apartments (specially adapted).

The project design team, managed by the Social Development Directorate of Clare County Council, comprises Hassett Leyden Flynn, (Architects), O ‘Connor Sutton Cronin & Associates (Civil & Structural Engineers), Moloney Fox Consulting Engineers (Mechanical & Electrical Engineers) and BKMQS Limited (Quantity Surveyors).