*The Lahinch Rd in Ennistymon.
LIDL have been refused planning permission to build a new store in Ennistymon.
In January, the German supermarket chain applied for planning permission to build a two-storey outlet equipped with an off-license adjacent to Ennistymon Community School on the Lahinch Road.
The proposed development comprised a glass floor area of 2261.4 sqm, incorporating an internal plant room, storage area, chiller room, ancillary office area and staff rooms.
The development received only one objection from Kilfenora based engineer, Michael Duffy, in relation to wastewater concerns at the site. Mr Duffy stated that “there was no Water Framework Directive Assessment submitted with this proposal. It is my opinion that this planning application cannot progress until such time as proper wastewater treatment is in place and the issue of waste disposal is properly addressed”.
Duffy also noted that there was “no feasibility of connections from Uisce Éireann”, and cited ongoing issues at Ennistymon’s Ballymacraven Water Treatment Plant.
MKO Planning Consultants in their application stated that the proposed development could generate an estimated annual turnover of €10.4 million and maintained the environmental impact would have been minimal.
Clare County Council disagreed with this however and have refused planning permission subject to five conditions. The local authority took issue with the site’s location and found that “the Planning Authority considers the proposed development, by virtue of its location, remote from the core area of the town centre and that it would seriously impact on the viability and vibrancy of Ennistymon town”. This contravenes with the county’s development plan.
While MKO outlined their plans for traffic management during construction, Clare County Council highlighted “an existing deficiency in the road network serving the area”. The planning department believe that the development would cause increased congestion in the town, due to perceived faults “in the structural condition of roads and footpaths in the vicinity of Blake’s Corner”, which would be “unsuitable for the increased road traffic likely to be generated”. Lack of pedestrian linkage from the town was also a factor in their refusal.
The planning authority raised concerns of the impact a new Lidl would have on existing stores in Ennistymon, as well as other towns and villages in its catchment area. Ennistymon already features large SuperValu and Aldi outlets and the addition of a third supermarket in the small town would have a severe impact on smaller scale retailers in the North Clare town. The planning department stated in their report that “the assessment does not consider the potential impact of the proposed development on the vitality and viability of other settlements in the catchment area, included but not limited to Miltown Malbay”.
Environmental concerns meant the local authority was “precluded from granting planning permission” due to ongoing problems at Ennistymon’s Water Treatment Plant which it argued could negatively impact the Inagh River Estuary Special Area of Conservation. Clare County Council stated that “The EPA Site Visit Report with regard to the wastewater treatment plant in Ennistymon (10/9/24), highlights significant concerns with respect to overflows which are occurring at the pump station due to the pumps inability to pump the incoming flow from the WWTP”.
Lidl Ireland now has four weeks to appeal the decision to An Bord Pleanála.