*A decision will be made by May 1st on the application.
PLANS FOR the construction of 101 houses in Parteen have been lodged with Clare County Council.
Kerry-based construction company KPH are seeking permission for 49 houses and 52 apartments in Athlunkard, on the Limerick border near Parteen.
KPH have applied for planning permission for a residential development on land bound by the Corbally Road to the east and access road to Carraig Midhe to the south in the townland of Knockballynameath, Athlunkard. The proposed development is due to consist of a mix of one, two and three bedroom properties at the site which is separated from Limerick City by the River Shannon.
Jean Anne and Maurice de Courcy who own the site have given their consent for the development of which 20 houses will fall under a Part V application and be used as social housing. Plans are also included for the provision of 152 parking spaces, 14 of which will be equipped with EV charging stations as well as green areas and walking and cycling connections. The application’s fee of over €25,000 has been paid to Clare County Council.
The Kenmare construction firm has a wide variety of clients in Munster including Cork County Council, Northern Trust in Limerick and the Killarney Court Hotel. The company’s biodiversity plan for the site aims to “create a harmonious and sustainable environment that enhances the quality of life for residents while respecting the natural beauty and ecological significance of the area”. The plans also include outlines for a number of bat and bird boxes around the development and a hedge maze for younger children.
The project is stated to have minimal environmental impact on the surrounding area with KPH detailing that they do not expect that construction to generate any increase in noise or dust pollution. While otters are known to frequent the banks of the river Shannon, the applicant has found that “no evidence of otter activity was identified within the site”. The Kerry firm is keen to minimise the environmental impact caused by the development and has included several ecological and landscape reports in their application along with the compulsory Natura Impact Statement. An archaeological survey also found nothing of note at the site.
It is hoped that the development will attract residents from both Clare and Limerick as the developer aims to have a mix of residents ranging in age and background. “Existing housing in the Athlunkard area predominantly comprises three bedrooms or more. The subject scheme proposes to include 51.5% one and two bedroom units with the view to addressing the local need for an uplift in smaller housing units to rebalance the existing provision. We consider the proposed housing mix is in line with national, regional and local policies, in particular the HNDA”, the developer stated.
A decision on the proposed development is to be made by Clare County Council prior to May 1st, the deadline for submissions is April 10th.