January is near the end and hopefully ye can see the stretch in the evening as I have on some evening.
Spring is arriving and with it brings lots of possibilities. I am sure we are all looking forward to the brighter evening and the stretch that will come.
The last few days I have been busy checking the wind damage and seeing what may need repair. There are some branches and shrubs around that need trimming. There are also some fencing that needs some repairs. So, there is plenty to keep us busy now.
It is time to be thinking of the vegetable beds. The potatoes will become available in February for those who like to start sprouting them early indoors or have tunnel with raised beds. The onion and shallots will also be available.
If you rotate your plants, now is the time too plan. Hopefully you have notes of what thrived last year and what you might want to reduce in growing this season.
The primrose is offering bright colour. The bulbs are brightening up the pots and they are a lovely gift idea if you are visiting anyone or want a pop of colour for yourself.
Bareroot hedging is available and a budget friendly now lush laurel and griselinia hedging are both evergreen and easy to maintain once established. If You considered maybe doing a boarder around a patio area Buxus plant, come bareroot and make a lovely structure design to any patio area due to it been easily shaped.
The birds are loving the feeders we have placed around the garden centre and enjoying the seeds from them. Bird food on special offer while stock last.
We look forward to St Bridget day celebrated on the 1st of February marking the arrival of Spring.
“May the light of St. Brigid guide you, may her warmth inspire you, and may her blessing bring renewal to your heart and home.”