*Photograph: Joe Buckley
AN ‘innocent looking’ 16-year old boy and an 18 year old teen have appeared in court in connection with a spate of alleged burglaries in Sixmilebridge.
At Ennis District Court, Judge Alec Gabbett told Shane Connors (18) of Woodview Heights, Sixmilebridge that “this is Netflix, duvet up to the eyes at night time and not moving from the house” as part of his daily curfew connected to his bail.
Judge Gabbett told Mr Connors who only turned 18 earlier this month, “it is very concerning to me that a person as young as yourself should be before the court on very serious charges”.
Judge Gabbett said, “This is a spate of alleged behaviour which should be of huge concern”.
He said, “If there was a bail objection I would find it hard to grant bail. You are on a very, very sticky wicket young man”.
Det Garda Colm Moriarty told Judge Gabbett that Mr Connors was under 18 at the time of the alleged offences.
Judge Gabbett told Mr Connors that he was not in the Children’s Court now and could be remanded in custody to the men’s prison at Limerick.
Both Mr Connors and a 16 year old Co Clare teen – who can’t be named as he is under the age of 18 – are charged with Christmas Day burglaries in Sixmilebridge.
The two are both charged with on December 25th 2024 of trespassing on Jamie’s Butcher, Main Street, Sixmilebridge, Co. Clare to attempt to commit theft contrary to the Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act 2001.
In the second burglary charge, the two are also charged on the same day of trespassing at Blush Beauty Salon, Main Street, Sixmilebridge and attempting to commit theft.
In his appearance at the Children’s Court in Ennis, the 16 year old accused told Judge Gabbett, “I was brought into the Garda Station and questioned for hours and hours and hours. They don’t have one bit of proof against anything at all – they are just trying to pin these on me when it is not me”.
Solicitor for the teen, Tara Godfrey said that the CCTV in the case is blurry and there are no admissions by her client.
Judge Gabbett said that the 16-year old is exposed to extraordinary serious charges.
Gardaí told Judge Gabbett that there is no bed free in Oberstown Detention Centre in Dublin until Tuesday.
Judge Gabbett said that he would remand the teen on detention if he was able to “but I have nowhere to put him”.
Judge Gabbett told the teenager that he is facing ten charge sheets including five burglaries.
Judge Gabbett said that the teen came into court cross. He said, “I don’t know if it was because we stopped his gallop and or because he feels aggrieved because he feels wronged”.
Judge Gabbett told the 16 year old, “All bets are off. We are done”.
The teenager told Judge Gabbett that he will abide by all bail conditions.
Judge Gabbett told the 16 year old: “You look so innocent….By time you go out that door the ‘Men in Black’ light will have flashed in your eyes and you will have forgotten everything you have said in here”.
The teenager said, “I have been brought in by the Gardaí for things I didn’t even do. I didn’t do it.”
Judge Gabbett said that the teenager had spent a night in a cell at a Garda station and “that is the last place a 16 year old boy should be, you are a boy”.
The 16 year old is also charged with handling a stolen Toyota Landcruiser jeep on March 17th and stealing fuel to a value of €135 from Maxol Filling Station at Clareabbey, Ennis on the same date.
Separately Mr Connors is charged with the unauthorised taking of a vehicle from Glenn Leamy on March 11th at Station Court, Quin Rd, Ennis and the unauthorised taking of a vehicle belonging to a Martin Cronin on February 26th at the Oakwood Hotel, Shannon.
Mr Connor is also facing a burglary charge on February 26th at the Oakwood Hotel, Shannon and on February 27th at Woodview Heights, Sixmilebridge having a carpet knife contrary to the Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act, 1990.
Judge Gabbett separately remanded Mr Connors on bail to April 16th to Ennis District Court and the 16 year old boy on bail to this Wednesday to Ennis District Court.