No plans or funding is in place to build a rail stop at Crusheen.
Following on from requests from local groups to bring a rail stop to the Clare village, Michael Harty (IND) submitted a parliamentary question to Minister for Transport, Shane Ross which was subsequently put to Iarnód Éireann Chief Executive Officer, Jim Meade.
“We will keep the case for a railway station at Crusheen under review in line with future demand trends, but at present there is no provision for a station within the current funding profile,” Meade outlined.
Dr Harty expressed his dissatisfaction with the response. “I am very disappointed that there are neither plans nor funding for Crusheen. A one line response tends to be a dismissive response. The fact that the CEO is keeping it under review probably means that nothing is going to happen any time soon.
“In relation to future demands, it should be pointed out that the Western Rail Corridor is developing rapidly. Anybody who travels from Ennis to Athenry and Galway knows that the service is growing in popularity. Moving people from cars onto rail is good for our carbon footprint and a stop a Crusheen would provide a new and welcome service for the people of the area.”