A furniture upcycling course run by Haven Horizons has sparked public interest and raised funds for a Skills Share programme for women who have experienced domestic abuse.
Two workshops are due to take place in the coming days on basic furniture upcycling and decoupage. The skills share group has proven to be “very positive experiences” according to co-ordinator Karolina Sokulska. As a result, they have offered the workshops to the public to gauge interest and raise funds. “Our furniture upcycling skills course was quickly booked out, so we had to start a waiting list and set the date for a second course”.
Carol Buckley, the furniture upcycling tutor outlined that participants are provided with a locker along with all the materials and tools they will need. She has also prepared a detailed step-by-step guide to take away, so all new skills can be practised at home.

“I have always been interested in painting, crafts and upcycling furniture. Working in the charity shop, I see pieces that could be transformed with a little know-how and the right tools. People are always talking to me about upcycling furniture and asking about different techniques. I love chatting to people and sharing information. It has been great to teach on the skills programme and to run this course for the public, seeing people learn new skills, grow in confidence and to see how each person’s creativity produces something different,” Buckley said.
Karoline highlighted that the courses have many benefits. “It is great to run courses that benefit individuals, are good for the environment, raise much needed funds for a worthy cause and it is lovely to meet new people that are interested in upcycling”.
On Saturday October 19th from 10am to 6pm, the basic furniture upcycling workshop takes place at Haven Horizons. Decoupage will be held on Wednesday October 23rd from 6pm to 9pm. To find out more or to book a place, contact Karolina on 085 862 1720 or email skills@havenhorizons.com.