March is a month of new growth and planting time hurray. But first where to start …
Here in Blossoms on the go garden centre we have just had a very exciting delivery of a wide selection of plants.
If this year one of your resolution was to eat healthy by planting your own fruit and vegetables we have a fantastic selection .The fruit trees and fruit bushes have arrived and growing your own fruit is easy weather you have a small garden, even it’s a container garden it can be done.
Berries are packed with goodness and are considered superfoods to help balance your gut. Whether its blueberries or raspberries they are great fruit to add to the garden this year or expand your collection .
Apple trees, pear trees, Plum trees have so many advantages to grow, they are fresh and free from chemicals making them more nutritious and healthier. Some of my favourite’s apple trees are Beauty of bath and Katja, they delicious.
Strawberries are super easy to grow and are a great way to get children involved in the garden. They can be growing in a hanging basket or a bed, lots of edible fruit and vegetable to expand your garden.
We have a very important day coming up later this month and that’s Mother’s Day so if you want to give her a gift for the garden, we have lots of fantastic plants to make your gift extra special. Whether it’s a tree or shrub her are some fantastic ideas that you can consider.
Kanzan tree commonly known as the cherry blossom tree we have the pink and white flowering ones available. The camellia in beautiful reds and pink s make a fantastic show of colour this time of year. The magnolia is a magnificent shrub with its tulip flower again in different colour from pink to burgundy. If it’s a scented pot of colour and flower s the Diosma pink fountain is my top plant for both.
We have lots of gift ideas and they are for any occasion not just Mother’s Day.
Have a Fabolous week in the garden and Happy Patrick day