February is a month of joy, buds and blooming flowers. People are starting their seeds and the last of bareroot hedging has been sown.
February has a lot to offer in the way of new starts, whether we realise it or not. We all get a new start each day and can make each day as exciting as the next.
Seeds are very popular at the moment we have a lovely range available and some of the more popular to start off are the cabbage greyhound variety and buttercup lettuce common variety.
We also have a lovely range in flowers seed for annuals like lobelia to pansy or if you like a mixture, wild flower seeds are also available.
There are some lovely Lupins and Poppy seeds which can repeat for a few years. Its lovely to see Nasturtiums coming back into fashion too. This is a lovely creeping flower for summer. So, if you are looking to add to your vegetable or flower collection pop in to see what’s available.
Time is moving on for the bareroot plants to be planted into the ground, so we are on the count down if you have been waiting for the right time I would advise you to get them out and have them planted soon
The Laurel, a good evergreen hedge, gives a good coverage and privacy for your home.The griselinia hedge has a smaller leaf and is a lighter green in colour. It is easy to maintain once established .
The colour has certainly started to arrive at Blossoms on the Go Garden Centre. We have had some lovely perennial delivered in the last few days. Bellis, one of my favourites, commonly known as bachelors button s with its pom pom like flower adds a lovely pop of spring come in red, white and a strawberry and cream colour.
The wallflower or Erysimum as their known are a lovely long flowering perennial and come in a variety of colour this time of year from purple to spice orange. It’s the scent that is just so sweet I do like to have scented flowers so this ticks a lot of boxes for me. It can flower most of the year, it doesn’t grow too big and it is very easy to maintain.
With the days getting longer and gardens starting to spring back into action its great to get back out and trim the damage off plants from the frost and wind and add mulch or soil enricher to give them a boost. There is lots to do in the garden to start the year.
“In February there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret.”