THE Clare Echo has teamed up with Ennis Tidy Towns to bring 7,000 readers an adhesive poster explaining how to recycle responsibly.
The adhesive poster (below), which was printed locally by Real Print on the Quin Road, is perfect for attaching to your fridge door, kitchen cabinet or underside of your wheelie bin lid. It is available with copies of The Clare Echo which have been delivered door-to-door in Ennis this week.
Cormac McCarthy of Ennis Tidy Towns said, “We hope you find this flyer useful and together we can all ensure that as much appropriate material as possible is recycled to ensure a clean environment for this and future generations.”
Ennis Tidy Towns are committed to raising awareness on a number of issues including waste and sustainability.
“One such area is the issue of recycling. There has long been confusion about what can and cannot be recycled.
“We therefore decided to develop an Ennis specific education flyer. This flyer would feature iconic Ennis landmarks and by doing so – connect the separate concepts of recycling and a persons sense of place.”
A huge thank you to Karen Foley in the Environmental Awareness Office for seeing the merit in our proposal.
We worked with Damien Goodfellow, the graphic artist who developed our colouring in sheets – now available to download from
“The Clare Echo were hugely supportive of the project from the get-go and pledged to lend their support to this worthwhile initiative.”