MOTORISTS travelling from the Miltown Malbay direction towards Kilkee “are driving too fast”, a county councillor has remarked while calling for additional traffic calming measures.
In a motion before the West Clare Municipal District, Cllr Cillian Murphy (FF) proposed “that an assessment of the speed limit be undertaken on the N67 at the Miltown Rd entry to Kilkee and a driver feedback sign be installed. The speed at which vehicles drive into Kilkee on this residential section of road is frightening”.
Senior executive engineer in the transportation unit of Clare County Council, Anne O’Sullivan
explained that the Department of Transport reviewed the speed limit procedure countywide. The resulting “Speed Limit Review Report published in September 2023 has made recommendations that will impact the setting and application of speed limits”.
She added, “consequently, the initiation of any such speed limit review is considered premature until such a time as the Department of Transport issues new guidance documents on the application and setting of speed limits and updated legislation”.
Members of the public can file formal requests for a speed limit appeal, Ms O’Sullivan advised. Any such request for an assessment of a speed limit review on the N67 entry to Kilkee will be taken into consideration as part of the next speed limit review. “The provision of driver feedback signage at this location will be reviewed by the Road Design Office and will be raised with TII”.
It is believed that the speed limits at this location are not set in accordance with the relevant guidance at the time of adoption.
Cllr Murphy commented, “this has to be assessed in the next review. The reality is people are driving too fast, they need to slow down and putting the speed limit at 50km or 60km is not going to slow them down. We need to make it uncomfortable; these are lads will continue doing 100k”.