CLARE’S Councillors have expressed their concern at the potential reduction of services at the Medical Assessment Unit in Ennis General Hospital.
Dr Michael Harty TD told the Dail last week that he understands the unit is due to close at weekends and the seven day service will be reduced to five days.
Despite assurances from Minister Simon Harris that the MAU will remain open seven days a week, the council will forward their concerns to the HSE.
“If we don’t keep putting pressure on the Minister, Ennis will be forgotten about. It’s an absolute disgrace that Ennis was downgraded.
“It really is getting to the stage of a third world country and it’s a disgrace that our TDs are not fighting for our hospital,” Councillor Ann Norton commented.
Fianna Fail Councillor Pat Daly pointed out that it was a very bad decision to close the Accident and Emergency Department at Ennis General Hospital.
He said he would like to see the Accident and Emergency Department re-open in order to give the ED at University Hospital Limerick a break.
University Hospital Limerick had the highest level of overcrowding nationally yesterday, with 55 patients waiting on trolleys.
“Hands off Ennis General, we want it enhanced and improved, not downgraded” Councillor James Breen added.