CLAN will launch its new website coinciding with the International 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence.
In 1997, CLAN was set up following a Government Working Group that was established to review violence against women. CLAN is one of the few Local Area Networks still in existence. The voluntary group is comprised of 17 County Clare agencies and the group’s focus is to raise awareness around domestic abuse.
On Friday December 6th from 10am to 1pm, CLAN is hosting an event at Buttermarket House, Drumbiggle. The event is being hosted in conjunction with the International 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence. This year, CLAN is launching a unique domestic abuse website for practitioners in County Clare.
This website will provide each practitioner in Clare with the information they need to respond to, and refer, persons that they believe are living with or trying to leave a domestic abuse situation.
Marcella Leonard will be the guest speaker for the event. She has 30 years’ experience in child and public protection and psychosexual therapy. Her expertise is recognised nationally and internationally, and her opinion sought both at strategic and operational levels in many organisations and countries. She has recently held the Chair of the Northern Ireland Association of Social Workers and is a Director of the British Association of Social Workers. Marcella is a highly-regarded trainer in assessing and managing sexual and violent risk to children