Mayor of Ennis has been ‘undermined’ by Council claims Cllr Norton
An elected member of Clare County Council has claimed the Mayor of Ennis has been “undermined”.
An elected member of Clare County Council has claimed the Mayor of Ennis has been “undermined”.
“Near-miss incidents” on the L8172 road in Doora have led to consultations surrounding the provision of warning signs at both entry points.
Over 70s won’t have to provide a medical report when applying for or renewing their driving licence until June.
A new student charter published at Mary Immaculate College (MIC) has been labelled “an excellent template” for fostering dialogue and engagement.
Two of Clare’s All-Ireland winners from 1997 are teaming up to take charge of the Kilmaley senior hurlers.
U12 ladies footballers in Clare are ‘coached to foul,’ a club referee has outlined in a call for the sin-bin to be introduced at the age-group.
A change in policy will be required from Croke Park if clubs are allowed to hold their own equivalent summer camp prior to the Kelloggs Cúl Camps.
Two Clare families are flying the county flag in the latest series of Ireland’s Fittest Family.
Clare Echo farming columnist Joe Melody reflects on 2020 from an agricultural perspective and points to a rallying in the dairy sector to make a decent year.
Treasurer of Clare GAA, Michael Gallagher has criticised recent commentary before the County Convention which he felt was discriminatory.